Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Teatime

Haha, I guess I have Christmas cookies on the brain! Here's another Flash Fiction Friday post!

“Don’t you think tea time is weird? It’s not like we’re British.”
Her host offered her a plate of sugar cookies. “Don’t you think it has a certain charm?”
The blonde woman took one and munched away, alternately draining her tea cup. “Thanks for inviting me, just the same. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
The host stirred her cup, the sugar cubes long dissolved. “I suppose it has.”
Her guest’s breath caught and she slumped to the table, her grip slipping on the cup as it fell to the floor.
The host brushed up the large pieces of broken glass, glad her guest had been considerate enough to drain the cup before she shattered it.
The hemlock had been an impulse buy.

This short story is a part of the illustrious Flash Fiction Friday. Read the other lovely stories, spun off the prompt:  "It was an impulse buy . . . ." at the links below!


  1. Oh the morbidity! Poe would be proud! I love it. Good Job :)

  2. Fun! :D I often get urges to buy poisons. I really like this character. I'm super curious as to whether she killed the other woman for a specific reason, or just for kicks.

  3. I enjoy the sense of calm here. My favorite part was probably, "...glad her guest had been considerate enough to drain the cup before she shattered it." It's always nice when the poisoned person is considerate!
