Thunder shook the building and a tall brunette walked into the room. His face was rugged, not what I normally went for, but it did something for me.
He cleared his throat.
“Can I help you?” I was in the business of helping people, but a little reminder never hurt anyone.
“Babe, you know if he takes that experiment to school, he’ll never hear the end of it.” He was awfully familiar. I liked that.
“You don’t need to say another word,” I replied. It wasn’t my idea to destroy it. But it was my job to get it done.This Flash Fiction Friday was inspired by the amazing thunderstorm out my window and the prompt: "It wasn't my idea to destroy it. But it was my job to get it done." from Read the other lovely Flash Fiction Friday stories at the links below!
I really like the narrator on this one. And I'm intrigued about her job.